Elemental Summoner appl.

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Joined: Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:10 pm

Elemental Summoner appl.

Postby Hatora » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:35 pm

1. Where have you played before?
- Clans The Kings(Latvian zerg clan on bfde), OOC,OOWW,Fear(arion),
- Servers (including rates) First was c3 lineageii(latvian server) dex in that times c6 or even c5, than roxy,celes,nanaki,abyss,rpg cant remember which one,bfde,many midrates and a lot other, but Im playing l2 since c3 so ofc cant remember every1.
- Ingame Nicks Hatora
- Classes & Levels Elemental Summoner , 4% left to 76. And wc 51~

2. Now? (main + sub if you have one)
- Class Elemental Summoner(
- Nick Hatora
- Current lvl 75
- Gear DC/mj juve/sov+acu

3. Ingame Goals? Why should we take you? Because i'm experienced player,got big knowledge,friendly,enjoying game. Never gonna say no to help some1.

4. Do you have friends who would also like to join (class+lvl)? No

5. Personal Info?
- GMT? +2 Country & location? Latvia, Riga
- Age 18
- How Active (Hours a week)? Well in working day I cant really say correct time, because i`m active everywhere,gym ,friends other stuff, but minimum in day it would start from 2hours+, weekend 4+ with exceptions.

6. Other info
- Will you be able to join us on sieges/epic bosses even if they are deep in the night on your time zone? Well, if next day r something really important -no, otherwise I think y.
- Do you use TS3 and mic? (this is a must!) using ts3, and ill be able to use mic next Friday, got some problems w/ device.
- Do you know anyone in the clan already who can vote/vouch for you? Who? if someone know guy called Lapko, than maybe, otherwise not.
- Why do you want to join Apocalypse? Want to be part of something, except OOWW,OOC in 2 servers, played w/ small ppl group from Latvia in general. Didn`t play at lowrates like year or even two, want mass pvp and fun, what l2 gives.
- I have read and I accept the rules of the clan (Yes/No) Yes

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