Recruitment - Read this before posting!

Make your application to the Apocalypse here!
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Recruitment - Read this before posting!

Postby KaEL » Fri May 09, 2008 9:18 pm

A few important things
Hi, First of all, thank you for applying to the Apocalypse!

The Apocalypse
In the past we've played on servers like Katsu C1, iKon C3, Roxy, l2paradise (Virtue), Roxy, l2supreme (Aerith), RPG H5 Federation,Nostalgia,L2Max,Evoke and various retail servers. Our core members have been playing together for more then 8 years now and are ageing 20-30 in average. Therefore most of us are done with school and have jobs and families to worry about so obviously l2 is no longer the no.1 priority in our lives. This doesn't mean we wont play actively in the evenings and weekends but don't expect us to no life 24/7. We strife to be a well organised clan and we've got an active community on our forum and on facebook (also when we're not playing l2) and have our own voicecom server (TS3).

Long story short, if you are looking for a clan with experienced mature players but don't want to sell your babies, abandon your family and lose your job or fail your exams - we might be the right place for you! If we got you interested you can make an application here. The only requirement being you speak decent English and are not afraid to use a microphone (or, as a minimum, are able to listen on Teamspeak).

That being said you should read the rules as well: click.

Currently Recruiting (L2Classic)
We're currently looking for the following classes:
- All,CP's encouraged

Application Form
If you want to join,create a thread in the Recruitment section (here),answering these questions to give us information about you or your CP

1. Where have you played before?
- Clans
- Servers (including rates)
- Ingame Nicks
- Classes & Levels

2. Now? (main + sub if you have one)
- Class
- Nick
- Current lvl
- Gear

3.Regarding L2Classic,what class have you decided on playing?

4. Ingame Goals? Why should we take you?

5. Do you have friends who would also like to join?

6. Personal Info?
- GMT? Country & location?
- Age
- Activity(hours a week)?

7. Other info
- Will you be able to join us on sieges/epic bosses even if they are deep in the night on your time zone?
- Do you use TS3 and mic? (obligatory)
- Do you know anyone in the clan already who can vote/vouch for you? Who?
- Why do you want to join Apocalypse?
- I have read and I accept the rules of the clan (Yes/No)
- Illegitimi non Carborundum -
Join our Facebook group!

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