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Recruit SK+friends

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:23 am
by VampireGoddess
1. Where have you played before?
- Clans
ForsakenHeroes , Navigatos , InfectedUnites , Rejoice
- Servers (including rates)
RPG 5% , Rpg 7% , , L2 Vindications , TheGame Reborn , TheGame , Teh Gamers and many other mid and high rates
- Ingame Nicks
BOUNDYHUNDER , FoRsaK3n , VampireGoddess
- Classes & Levels
Adventurer 85 , WC 85 , SK 83

2. Now? (main + sub if you have one)
- Class
SK with subclass tyrant , WC
- Nick
- Current lvl
- Gear
Moirai Hv set some atribute

3. Ingame Goals? Why should we take you?
Gear Up try to occupy hero position
4. Do you have friends who would also like to join (class+lvl)?
Bloublou BD 85 with sub tyrant 75, EE 81 finished quest sub , 2/3 Noble
5. Personal Info?
- GMT +0 friends GM +2
- Age
- How Active (Hours a week)?
Most of us all 15-1 gmt+0 rest 4h+

6. Other info
- Will you be able to join us on sieges/epic bosses even if they are deep in the night on your time zone?
- Do you use TS3 and mic? (this is a must!)
- Do you know anyone in the clan already who can vote/vouch for you? Who?
- Why do you want to join Apocalypse?
Trying to find a better clan with opportunities and team work.
Siege/Epics/PVP. We are ready to all events!
- I have read and I accept the rules of the clan (Yes/No)

Re: Recruit SK+friends

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:30 pm
by KaEL
rejected - no slots for a random groups atm - only full CP's