Make your application to the Apocalypse here!
(ex)Clan Member
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:09 pm


Postby kivelof » Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:21 pm

before i write my info i will write my info for my friend too why? for not make two appl :D and my friend englishs Skills is 10/10 :D

1. Where have you played before?
- Clans:hot /ooc and many athers
- Servers l2 dex,global,thegame,rpgclub new and old, and many many many athers all of them low rates x7 -
- Ingame Nicks TheLifeIsGood,thelasttitan,kivelof,onepoundfish
- Classes & Levels always full lvl destro/sws/wc

2. Now? (main + sub if you have one)
- Class SWS me my friend bd
- Nick:TheLifeIsGood friend name:pekakoz
- Current lvl both 13 lvl we need academy
- Gear no grade :DDD

3. Ingame Goals? Why should we take you?:Because im a good guy at im allways loilaty to my clan leader

4. Do you have friends who would also like to join (class+lvl)?
bd lvl 13

5. Personal Info?
- GMT? Country & location?gmt +2 greece
- Age19 my friend 17
- How Active (Hours a week)?40 +

6. Other info
- Will you be able to join us on sieges/epic bosses even if they are deep in the night on your time zone?HAHHAHA im not answer this question :D im always on for that s***t
- Do you use TS3 and mic? (this is a must!)yes
- Do you know anyone in the clan already who can vote/vouch for you? Who?i have spoke once at kael with my wc kael :D
- Why do you want to join Apocalypse?reccomended
- I have read and I accept the rules of the clan Yes

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